Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Am I failing? Or there's still some time?

Hey fellas. It's been a long time since the last time i posted on my blog, huh? So, today's when the school announce about our national exam. Yo all might think i, and all my friends passed the national exam. Yeah, you're right. I did. I passed my national exam, and so does my friends. And for that i deserves to say alhamdulillah. Cause that'll never happened, i will never gonna passed my exam if Allah doesn't let me. So, guess. Am i happy? Well, of course. I am happy. I passed junior high, and i'm going to continue my study in high school. But, i'm not happy with my scores. Yeah right. It's just dissappointing. It's embarrissing. So far beyond my expectation. I'm mad, you know. Mad to myself. If only i worked more hard, it's not gonna turn out like this. My parent said it's fine, my scores was good. But i knew they're not proud. No, they're not. Well, i think they're not. They acted like they are fine. But i just knew it i let them down. I didn't reach my target. When my target is actually making them proud. I failed. Totally failed. And you know what the saddest part is? I can't changed it. I can't changed anything. It's the worst feeling ever. It's like when you dreamed about something, and you tried damn hard to reach that, but in the end, when you hoped everything was perfect, everything was as what you expect, it turns out falling apart. You know, like all what you dreamed just vanish and you're lost in the middle of success peoples. It's sad. So sad. Embarrassing. Dissappointing. Broke down. Well, what can i do. I never can changed it. Never. It has already been printed out. Do i deserve a second chance to reach my target? Make my parents proud? :(

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